The Non-linear Nature of Transformation
Most of us have been conditioned to view the world through a linear, logical lens. We see reality as a sequence of cause and effect, where one thing leads to another in a step-by-step fashion. However, healing – particularly energy healing – often does not follow this rational model. Transformation happens in mysterious, non-logical ways that defy our usual rules of space and time.
When we approach healing as an intellectual exercise – trying to understand and “fix” things on a mental level – we miss its essence as a journey of personal growth and release.
By understanding the non-linear nature of energy healing we can adjust our expectations in subtle work. What we want, or how we expect things to happen, is generally not the way things will happen when we work with subtle energies.
Working with subtle energies requires tapping into a realm beyond the physical, moving into the quantum level. At the quantum level, we connect with the field of infinite potentially that underlies all physical reality.
Quantum physics has shown that at its foundation, the universe is composed of dynamic energy and information. When we develop awareness at the quantum level, we align with this field of infinite creative potential.

Working at the quantum level allows us to influence reality in potent ways. With focused attention and intention, we can manifest healing, shift probabilities and co-create desirable outcomes. Although we perceive our lives as linear, at the quantum level all possibilities exist simultaneously. By tapping into this domain, we gain access to wisdom and synchronicity that can dramatically improve our lives and the lives of others
As an energy healer I connect with subtle and physical energies. These energies animate our physical and subtle bodies, our emotions, our thoughts, our spirit. They also, hold our experiences from this life, and all our past lives.
In working with energy and tapping into the physical, subtle/quantum domains I concentrate on what I can do and what I can work with, allowing for all possible outcomes in alignment with healing. The rest is out of my hands. I don’t know precisely when or how things will improve. Changes may occur swiftly or progress in gradual stages over time. I work in one place yet healing flowers elsewhere spontaneously.
Energy has a life and wisdom of its own. It can work wonders, it can be what supports a patient through surgery. Energy healing can help one find one’s inner wisdom and create space to feel and process emotions. Working with subtle energy requires stepping beyond the thinking mind into a space of direct inner sensing.
Energy medicine can create miracles, but it cannot promise them. We may want something like a tumor to be gone instantaneously, and sometimes it does, in others, it will take the time it takes for what needs to be unraveled and healed.
True healing happens in mysterious, nonlinear ways that defy our rational models of space and time. The key is releasing our need for intellectual coherence and simply being open vessels for the healing that wants to come through us – from within and beyond.