
Energy Healing

Individual Sessions

Energy medicine awakens an intelligence within, enabling your body to self-repair, renew and restore balance. When your energy system flows freely, this wisdom naturally works to mend imbalances and reclaim wellness.

During energy healing treatments, congested or diseased energies blocking your subtle body’s pathways are cleared. With this “energetic debris” removed, life force can flow once more. The floodgates to your innate intelligence reopen. Your energy field balances, reconnecting with the universal field of healing energy permeating all.

Energy Medicine isn’t “fixing” you – it’s accessing the healer within. My role is simply clearing what gets in the way. The possibility of healing lies within you – energy medicine helps reconnect you with your natural ability to ignite transformation from within.

We work together to uncover root energies hindering healing, shift blockages through healing energy transmission, and align your subtle body so your physical body receives needed life force. You connect with your natural healing wisdom to respond intuitively going forward.

Your fresh start awaits.

Healing Containers

Personalized Programs

This is ideal for those who want sustained support. A Healing Container is a safe space, both physically and energetically, that allows for deep inner work, transformation.

Are you ready to finally let go of painful emotions, limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns that are holding you back?

Do you want to respond to life’s challenges with more peace, presence and freedom?

Reconnect with your natural joy, flow and passion? We’ll work together holistically to transform patterns holding you back. As limiting patterns inevitably resurface, we’ll face them gently yet persistently until rigid reactions soften and intuitive responses emerge.

Do you want to dive deep with safety, support and flexibility?

Emotional Digestion Process

Individual Sessions

The Emotional Digestion Process is a method to support clients in meeting and resolving emotional experiences trapped in their body.

It begins with identifying an access point or intention, then noticing and feeling whatever arises in the body without judgment. This allows for the devouring, digestion and dissolution of mental/emotional tensions or traumas.

Clients are guided into “resource states” like joy or calm that they have never experienced before. The process is non-linear and client-led, simply supporting them to acknowledge their inner landscape.

Being seen, held and witnessed can facilitate profound healing. When the process is complete, reflections are shared and any further integration discussed.

I work one-on-one in my sessions and containers.

All sessions are remote and conducted through Zoom, or phone.

Remote or Distance healing can sometimes be a difficult concept to conceive. However, when it comes to energy there are no boundaries.