Why Energy Medicine?

The goal of Energy Medicine is to remove stagnant and diseased bioplasmic energy, blocks and leaks in the energy system to ignite the bodies’ own natural healing response.

When we are in the healing flow, and new fresh vital energy enters the system our body naturally works towards repairing and healing itself.

During energy healing sessions we work together to shift and uncover the energies sabotaging your healing process.

Energy medicine uses techniques to assess and correct for energy imbalances in the body. These techniques are used to balance and restore your body’s natural healing abilities for the purposes of increasing your vitality, and strengthening your mental and emotional capacities, and your overall health and wellbeing.

What is Energy Medicine?

Although energy medicine uses the term “medicine,” it does not imply that energy medicine practitioners are practicing medicine.

Energy medicine is an art and science in itself

Energy medicine is based on the ancient principle that all beings are connected. That positive, life-giving energy is flowing around us and through us all of the time. 

If one person’s energy is low, or their access to it is blocked, another person can channel healing energy into the other. Energy is channeled to clear out or “cleanse” the other’s energy field.  

Stress, fatigue, unprocessed emotions and trauma can create blocks in the energy field (aura), the energy channels (nadis/meridians), and energy centers (chakras). These distortions in a person’s energy field can be the cause of illness, mental and emotional instability, chronic tension and pain. When there is dysfunction in one area, it affects other areas. 

The body has wonderful built-in mechanisms to heal and/or compensate with injury and illness. However, sometimes it can be overwhelmed and the whole system is weakened, becoming susceptible to additional problems. If we aren’t able to return to a state of balance and well-being to operate as an integrated whole. We can benefit from the assistance of another who can gently channel the life-giving energy and restore the balance for us.

By gently removing any blocks and allowing energy to flow freely again, the client regains the ability to access their own life force energy.  The healing effects can be felt on all levels: energetic, physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual.

Sessions provide a personalized approach to healing. Anna takes the time at the beginning to learn about your unique situation, goals and wellness journey. Through her intuitive gifts, Anna then scans your energy field and chakras to gain deep insights into your energetic state. Working to identify any imbalances, blockages, and interference patterns holding you back from vibrant health physically, psychological and emotionally.

Anna brings the power of energy medicine to resolve the underlying causes of discomfort, restoring harmony and flow. Whether clearing congestion, balancing frequencies or reinforcing your life force, she applies the ideal techniques. Finally, we’ll wrap up with a brief debrief to ensure that you feel fully supported and informed.

​At the end of the session clients feel relaxed and peaceful, feeling as if they have just had a massage, or been in a deep meditation. 

Anna ensures you receive an integrated healing experience that addresses your whole self – body, mind and spirit. Join her in starting the next chapter of empowered well-being.

If you have come for pain relief, you will feel an immediate lessening or cessation of pain, or the pain may gradually dissipate over a few hours.


All sessions are remote and conducted through Zoom, or phone.

Remote or Distance healing can sometimes be a difficult concept to conceive. However, when it comes to energy there are no boundaries. 

​Set yourself up in a place where you will not be disturbed and can lay down during the session. Wear comfortable loose-fitting or flexible clothing. 

Current Rates:

Introductory Special

$90 – 1 Hour

1 Hour Session


1.5 hour Session


3 x 1 Hour Sessions Save 10%

3 x 1.5 Hour Sessions Save 10%

Healing Container

Book a Discovery Call to see how working with me will unlock your potential and assist you in reaching your wellness goals. This complementary meeting allows us to discuss your needs, explore if my modalities are a fit, and determine whether working together could advance your growth and transformation.

Payments – an invoice will be sent separately upon booking, to be paid prior to your session.

+64 22 637 5856 | [email protected]

See the FAQs page for more information.

*I do understand that this may not be feasible for everyone. I have a special circumstances rate for those of low income and going through times of hardship. Please get in touch if this is you. It is important to recognize that within sessions there is an energy exchange. Where something is given and something received there is the understanding both will benefit from the exchange. By participation in the act of exchange it shows you place value in our work together. Please note an energy exchange doesn’t need to be financial.

What People are Saying

If you are looking for deep relaxation or assistance with body’s natural healing process or relieve emotional stress, then I highly recommend energy healing with Anna. Anna will very patiently listen to your issues, problems and concerns and use energy to heal you and help you release negativity from your body. I will certainly go back

Ritu Munjal

Anna has a very gentle, but quietly powerful presence. She doesn’t interfere in the natural healing process, she just facilitates healing. I was struggling with many chronic conditions and debilitating illness, many of these improved and cleared during my work with Anna.

R. Martin

I’ve never had energy healing before but have to say it was the most relaxing treatment I’ve ever experienced. I’ve suffered with chronic pain in my shoulder girdle for years and felt after only 2 sessions it’s really loosened it, I can’t wait for my 3rd session next week. Anna is amazing, her voice and presence just makes you relax.

Denise Thomas

I had the pleasure of doing five distance sessions with Anna, initially to work with childhood trauma. I injured my lower back during this time, and so had one session that was specifically focused on that. I had zero expectations that the energy work would make any material difference. As Anna worked on me, she named the exact emotions I’d been experiencing over the days of back pain (grief and righteous anger). That felt validating. She focused on clearing out those emotions and then said she could feel grace pouring into the area. A couple of hours after our session I was surprised to notice that the back pain had gone from about 50% to around 5%. It was an enormous improvement and marked the end of that particular back pain episode. The other work was less palpable, but I have noticed that since working with Anna, I felt emotionally and mentally better than I have in decades – literally. I can’t be sure this is a result of her work, but it’s a very noticeable shift in my experience of life. If you’re open, doing the work, and ready to heal longstanding trauma, I highly recommend working with Anna.

Kara-Leah Grant

I instantly felt so safe and seen by Anna. She really is an incredible healer. After my first session I had a few of the most smooth and flowing days I have had in a good few years. So much moved emotionally for me after the 2nd session. I felt so much lighter and grounded within my body. I had my 3rd session yesterday and woke up with a smile on my face and a feeling of lightness. I highly recommend seeking Annas help if you have anything your wanting to clear or work on. Thank you Anna.

Toni Faulkner