Tag: meditation

The Energy Lab – Exploring Subtle Earth

Exploring Earth’s Subtle Dimension Today in the Energy Lab, we tune into the subtle element of earth. Often seen as the densest and most solid of the four main elements, earth paradoxically contains an ecosystem within its matter. While acting as the bedrock for all else, close observation finds earth comprised of water, air, microbes […]

Shift Limiting Beliefs

Your beliefs have immense power over your physical and mental wellbeing. The stories you tell yourself – consciously or subconsciously – shape every aspect of your reality. When these beliefs are negative or disempowering, they can lead to illness, stress and imbalance. Research has firmly established the link between the mind and body. Psychological stress, […]

Embody Your Way to Healing

Healing starts from within – by reconnecting with ourselves and listening to our bodies. Embodiment is the key. It’s the practice of fully inhabiting our physical selves. When we embody ourselves, we connect with our physical sensations, emotions and thoughts in a grounded way. This allows us to access our innate wisdom for healing and […]