The Emotional Digestion Process

The Emotional Digestion Process has evolved over the past seven years.  It began when Kara-Leah co-facilitated a number of Retreats with a practitioner working with RPT – Reference Point Therapy by Simon Rose. 

The essence of RPT was guiding clients back to the original source of the pattern or trigger that they wanted to resolve – like a specific incident of abuse or assault. 

When Kara-Leah started working intuitively with clients to support the devouring, digestion and dissolving of samskaras (unfelt emotional experiences trapped in the mental/emotional and energetic body), she used a similar method to RPT. 

However, she discovered that when she allowed the clients’ intelligence to guide the process, it went further than RPT and into what Kara-Leah began to call resource states – like Joy, Calm, Power or Safety.

Clients began to have felt-sense experiences of states of being they’d never felt before – like feeling at home in their bodies.

Over time, The Emotional Digestion Process has continued to reveal itself. It has become a way in which clients can feel supported and held to meet whatever is arising within their felt experience of life. 

Generally, it begins with a discussion on what the client would like to ‘meet’ or resolve.

Through that discussion an intention and access point is agreed upon. 

An example of an access point is the focus that the client holds at the beginning of the Process – it might be a memory from the past that still contains emotional charge that the client would like to digest, it might be a desired vision for the future that the client would like to step into. Sometimes it’s an archetype that the client would like to embody.

Once the access point has been identified, the practitioner guides the client to simply notice and feel whatever is present in the body. 

Through this process of simply staying with whatever is present, the client is guided into a supported devouring, digestion and dissolved of whatever mental/emotional tension or trauma shows up. 

Sometimes there is also a completion of long-held tension in the nervous system.

An important part of the Process is to let go of any outcome, and to simply be with whatever is showing up. 

The Emotional Digestion Process is an exploration and acknowledgement of the client’s psychic landscape.

Being seen held, and witnessed with loving-awareness can be challenging AND profoundly healing. 

Once the client has moved into a Resourced State, the Process is brought to completion.

Completion includes reviewing what arose during the process – what beliefs or protective mechanisms might have been present, reflections on anything else worth noting, and any homework to integrate what has unfolded.

And that’s it – the Emotional Digestion Process!

At times when I am intuitively guided I integrate this process in subtle ways into energy healing sessions.

I include sessions dedicated to the Emotional Digestions Process within my programs to further my clients.

Emotional Digestion Process sessions available for those with prior experience, or understanding of this process.

60 minute Zoom Session $95